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Kindness and Anti-Bullying Week
Next week, all UK schools will be highlighting the impact of bullying on young people, in national Anti-Bullying Week 2023. Here at BISC, we will be doing the same; kindness and anti-bullying will be the key themes. A variety of creative and informative activities are planned to raise awareness of bullying and the importance of having a community approach to tackle the issue. From kindness art workshops, to Odd Sock Day, to assemblies and in-class reflections, the School will be buzzing to highlight this important issue.
The particular focus this year will be on social media and online bullying, with assemblies in the Senior School on the dangers and impact of this on young people. The UK’s Anti-Bullying Alliance has a useful publication for parents which can be downloaded here. If you have any concerns or worries, please do contact the class teacher or Head of Year, or any member of the pastoral team.
School Uniform
The Uniform Shop has now full stock of the BISC winter uniform, including blazers and jumpers. Students must not wear any other jumper or hoodie to School. We are grateful for your support in securing high standards across the School.
Anti-Bullying Week: 12th-16th November
Next week is Anti-Bullying Week, and students will take part in a series of activities to raise awareness of bullying issues and equip students with strategies to combat bullying in its various forms.
On Sunday 12th November, students will have two periods of PSHE to learn about these important issues and how bullying can be stamped out. In order to support student wellbeing and to build on the last PSHE day, we will be bringing the whole Senior School together to run in the afternoon. Students should wear their House shirts on this day.
Students will also be invited to wear odd socks on Monday 13th November in celebration of diversity in our BISC community.
Winter Uniform
The full winter uniform is now available at the Uniform Shop. As a reminder, students should not mix and match between the PE uniform and the ‘normal’ uniform. Please see below for details.
Secret Student
In order to raise the profile of positive behaviour in School, we introduced a new scheme at the start of this half term to encourage students to take more responsibility for their own attitude and approach to learning and improve the culture in our classrooms and around school.
Each week, a student from each form in the year group is selected at random. From Sunday to Thursday, the student can gain points for attendance, punctuality and positive logs on Engage. It has been great to hear the students talking about this scheme and encouraging each other to get to lessons on time and manage themselves positively.
Secret student monitors the following:
- Attendance - students will automatically be awarded with five points for being in school each day. This allows all students the opportunity to accumulate points. They will not receive points on days they are absent.
- Punctuality - students will automatically receive one point for each lesson they arrive on time to. However, they will lose one point for each lesson they arrive late to.
- Behaviour - students will receive one point for each positive they are awarded with. However, they will lose one point for each AFI they accumulate. If a student is removed from a lesson, they will forfeit all points gained that day.
The winning Secret Students this week are:
Readers of the Week
This week’s Year 7 Reader of the Week is Khalifa, who has read five books so far this term and always gets fantastic scores on the book quizzes. He also sets an excellent example by really focusing on his own reading, whilst taking an interest in books that other people have enjoyed too. Well done, Khalifa!
Our Year 8 Reader of the Week is Tony, who has been reading JK Rowling’s new books. Like most books by this author, they are long reads and include lots of twists and turns in the story line. Tony did a great job, gaining a 100% quiz result. He has demonstrated great perseverance in his reading. Well done, Tony!
Seif is this week’s Year 9 Reader of the Week, as he sets a shining example of how everyone can use Accelerated Reader as a tool to develop fantastic reading habits and expand reading skills. This term, Seif has read several young adult titles, exploring various new themes and challenging ideas. He asks well considered questions when requesting help with book choices, focusing on what he wants from a book rather than on how many reading points it offers. Well done, Seif!
Here are the latest 100% reading quiz results:
Year 7: Leanne, Ahmed G, Khalifa, Tamara, Ali H, Tia, Leo, Ghalia
Year 9: Hussein, Hebatalla, Mostafa
Key Stage 3 Students of the Week
Year 7 - Krystof for engaging positively in all his lessons.
Year 8 - Lina for achieving a high number of positives for a variety of different subjects and 100% attendance, and no lates. She was chosen to be on the BSME team.
Year 9 - Yaseen H for all his engagement and effort with YouGoGreen and trying to raise awareness across the school.
Key Stage 5 Students of the Week
Key Stage 5 Students of the Half-term
Daniele from Year 12 and Noah from Year 13 have really embodied the qualities of a Sixth Form student. They have accumulated the highest number of positives over the last half-term, had zero AFIs/late IA submissions and 100% attendance.
Omar Taher’s Visit to BISC
يوم الاثنين الماضي التقيت بالكاتب المتميز عمر طاهر في المدرسة، وتحدث إلينا حول موضوع الاختراعات التي قرر أن يكتب عنها في كتابه المشهور "صنايعية مصر". أبرز حوراتنا كانت متعلقة بكيفية تجميع المعلومات لكتابة هذا الكتاب، وايضًا تأثير هذه الاختراعات على الاقتصاد المصري
كانت حواراتنا معه مثمرة، وتعجبت من طريقته في الكلام مع الجمهور وتعمقه في هذه القصص والحوارات
أحد الأسئلة التي أثارها هذا الكاتب في عقلي خلال المناقشة هو لماذا أصبح الإبداع في مصر أقل حاليًا ومختلفًا عن العصور الأسبق؟
أظن أن لقاء عمر طاهر علمنا قيمة مهمة وهي أهمية الاجتهاد لتحقيق الأحلام
الطالب نور عبيد
تناقشنا حول رحلة الكتاب إلى النجاح، قال عمر طاهر إنه لم يتوقع النجاح لذلك تعلمت أن النجاح دائمًا في متناول اليد وأكثر شيء أعجبني في قصة كولونيا 555 هو أن عمر طاهر واجه صعوبات كثيرة للحصول على معلومات عن تاريخ صناعة كولونيا 555، وانبهرت بإصراره وأتمنى أن أكون مثله في المستقبل
هذا اللقاء جعلني أكثر معرفة، وجعلني أتعرف على خبرات أشخاص آخرين
الطالبة أمينة إمام
تحدث عمر طاهر عن الشخصيات الأهم في كتاب صنايعية مصر، أكثر شيء ألهمني في هذه المحاضرة كان رحلة اختراع منتج شيبسي
استفدت بشدة نتيجة لطريقة إلقاء المحاضرة بطريقة لطيفة وايضًا لارتباط الموضوع بنفسي مباشرة بسبب جنسيتي المصرية
الكاتب أثار عندي الفضول حول كيفية الحصول على المعلومات عندما أحاول أن أدرس شيء معين، وايضًا لماذا أصبح عدد المنتجات المصرية الناجحة أقل في السنوات الأخيرة؟
الطالب آدم دومة
تعلمت معلومات جديدة عن تاريخ واقتصاد مصر، وايضًا تعلمت إجراءات البحث التي استخدمها الكاتب بكتابة كتابه صنايعية مصر
في رأيي هذه المحاضرة كانت مثمرة وكان اللقاء مفيد لنتعلم عن بداية أشهر المنتجات المصرية
الطالبة زينة النجار
لاحظت أن الكاتب عمر طاهر خفيف الظل وبسبب ذلك استمتعت في المحاضرة، وأعجبت بأنه قدم لنا معلومات كثيرة عن تاريخ الصناعة بأسلوب ساخر
أتمنى أن يقوم عمر طاهر بمحاضرة ثانية في مدرستي مع كتاب جديد عن أشخاص مختلفين في تاريخ الصناعة المصرية لأزيد معلوماتي
الطالبة مريم موسى
أدهشتني فكرة أن كولونيا 555 قد ساعدت الاقتصاد المصري في تسديد ديون مصر في أوقات صعبة على الدولة
أحببت المحاضرة بشدة لأنني تعلمت عن تاريخ بلادي، أيضًا أحب أن أخترع منتجات جديدة وأريد أن تعيش هذه المنتجات وقت طويل وهذا اللقاء شجعني على ذلك
الطالب ياسين وزيري
هذا اللقاء جعلني أبحث عن أفكار أخرى في تاريخ مصر. كنت متحمسة أيضًا أثناء الأسئلة الكثيرة التي رد عليها
الطالبة نادية الفص
كانت الزيارة مثيرة للغاية فمنها تعلمت واستفدت أنا وأصدقائي
الطالب ابراهيم مدني
أعجبتني قصة تومي خريستو صانع شوكولاتة كورونا لأنه كان يهتم بعمال الشركة وعمل لهم ملعب لكرة القدم وكان يأخذ العمال وأسرهم إلى السينما مجانًا لأنه كان يؤمن بأن العمال السعداء يصنعون شوكولاتة جيدة
سأل الطلاب أسئلة كثيرة لكن السؤال المفضل كان: هل تفكر أن تكتب كتاب عن رجال الأعمال الذين فشلوا؟
هذا السؤال أعجبني لأن عمر طاهر شرح أننا من الممكن أن نتعلم من قصص الفشل أكثر من قصص النجاح وهذا شيء أوافق عليه
الطالبة فريدة الدماطي
الكلام مع عمر طاهر شجعني أن أهتم بتاريخ وطني، وإصرار الكاتب على الكتابة شجعني أن ألتزم في فصل العربي فعلًا
الطالبة فرح منتصر
أشجع أصدقائي أن يقرأوا كتاب صنايعية مصر وتاريخ مصر وقراءة الكتاب سهلة والكتاب ليس طويل
أتمنى أن أكتب عن تاريخ محلات التوحيد والنور الذي يقدم ملابس رخيصة للمصريين
الطالب علي منصور
الحوار مع عمر طاهر أدى إلى أن جميع الطلاب تحمسوا لمعرفة معلومات حول صناعة مصر والمنتجات المصرية
بشكل شخصي كان عندي فضول أن أتحدث عن الصناعة المصرية الحالية في الوقت الحاضر وعن الاشخاص الذين أسسوا أكبر مصانع في مصر
الطالبة ملك أبو العينين
Upcoming Events
BSME U9/U11 Swimming at MBIS |
Friday 10th November |
Year 9 and Year 11 Parent Evening |
Wednesday 15th November from 15:30 to 18:30 |
World School Games Basketball in Valencia, Spain |
Friday 17th - Tuesday 21st November |
BSME Girls’ U11 Netball at MES |
Friday 17th November |
BSME Boys’ U11 Football at MES |
Friday 17th November |
Year 13 Mock Exams, MFL Orals |
Sunday 19th - Tuesday 28th November |
BSME U15 Boys & Girls Football in Doha, Qatar |
Friday 24th - Sunday 26th November |
Year 7 and Year 12 Parent Evening |
Monday 27th November from 15:30 to 18:30 |
Kindness Week 2023
We are almost there! The week of kindness is upon us and although we should be kind everyday, focusing on kindness for a whole week reiterates the message just a little more.
During this time, the following activities will be taking place:
Monday 13th November - Odd Socks Day
Tuesday 14th - Thursday 16th November - 'Kindness Art' Parent Workshops:
We look forward to celebrating 'kindness' with you all!
Year 3 Reading
On Monday mornings, 3F pupils love to start their day with mindful reading in the Library. Pupils are able to share their books with teachers and test their knowledge of what they have read on Accelerated Reader.
Year 3 Music
Year 3 performed two songs during a recent assembly: “It’s a Great, Great World” (where pupils had lovely actions for many different animals to go with the song), and then we were transported to ancient Egypt with “Cairo Kyle the Crocodile”. The pupils sang with excellent tone and clear words.
Year 5 Maths
Mr Belmar's Year 5 class explored factors of a number in their new unit, Multiplication and Division. Using whiteboards, pupils drew arrays to deepen their understanding of the factors of a given quantity.
Upcoming Dates
Kindness Week |
Sunday 12th - Thursday 16th November |
Odd Socks Day |
Monday 13th November |
Kindness Parent/Pupil Workshop |
Tuesday 14th - Thursday 16th November in the Junior School Quad (Please refer to class invites sent) |
Kindness Week 'Dress in Blue Day' |
Thursday 16th November |
Year 3 Saqqara Trip |
Monday 20th and Tuesday 21st November |
Year 4 Production |
Thursday 23rd November at 13:20 in the Theatre |
Foundation Stage One
We started our “Enormous Turnip” topic this week, sparking the pupils' imagination and fostering teamwork through this classic story. The story not only teaches teamwork and cooperation but also introduces the pupils to the concept of size, and the joy of working together to achieve a common goal. The pupils had fun creating fruit faces based on the artwork by Giuseppe Acimboldo in the 16th century, where he used various fruits and vegetables to form imaginative portraits. This encouraged the pupils to see artistic potential in everyday objects and to get creative. Next week, the children will be taking part in a playful tug of war inspired by the camaraderie displayed in the “Enormous Turnip”.
FS1 Music lessons commenced this week and provided the children with an exciting opportunity to explore the joys of rhythm and melody. The pupils enjoyed their first lesson and demonstrated a lot of enthusiasm and curiosity.
Foundation Stage Two
This week, Foundation Stage Two marked the beginning of Music lessons with Ms Veronica, our new music teacher. The pupils explored pattern and rhythm through body percussion, and controlling tempo and volume using a range of musical instruments.
We also had some fun with the alphabet, using the space in the Quad to bring the learning of letters to life.
If parents would like copies of any of the photos you have seen in the Bulletin, please email
Keeping our students safe online is a priority at BISC. We are happy to share advice from the Safeguarding Training Centre, to enable parents to understand the pros and cons of various social media, games and digital trends.
This week we are sharing tips about Roblox.